Where to go
Tharin ducked his head in embarrassment. That was right. They'd introduced each other a short while before. He just didn't know what to talk about with her. It had been so long with anyone to talk with, even longer since he had the time to just relax and do what he wanted instead of moving on his mission. It was so strange, with no responsibilities and nothing to do except keep himself happy. It was too bad he wasn't sure how to do that. Tharin liked hunting, and caring for others, but without a pack and anyone to hunt for, it seemed rather pointless.

She introduced herself as a member of a pack called 'Casa di Cavalieri', immediately perking up his ears. A pack? What's your pack like? Is it close? Is there lots of packs here? Hunting seemed fairly good in the immediate area, so food wasn't a problem. The other things were though, not yet being in the area long enough for such a thing to happen. Ducking his head he realized he'd probably seemed far too eager about her pack. Sorry. I'm not really used to living on my own. I'm hoping to find a pack to join soon.

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