Nothing will show I'm Sorry


The female Sawtooth was at a loss of what to say to the golden coyote. She had last spoken to her after she killed her mate, Charm knew in her heart that she would always and forever be in love with Aeron, she dreamed about her night after night, and she begged in her heart to see her again, and somehow the gods heard her pleads as the male took whatever he wanted to the submissive calico girl. Now he was dead…and Charm was free to be with Aeron, and Aeron was free to be with her. Though…Aeron had already broken a promise to the soft hearted she wolf. Aeron had killed him, she could even keep that promise to her, how could Charm know that Aeron would stay faithful to her, mind, heart, body and soul if she couldn’t keep the most simple of promise to her, do not kill. It tore the Sawtooth female up inside seeing that.

Holding onto the arm that Aeron had cut into, she was dealing with the burning pain the best that she could. It was a hot burning pain, the type of pain that reconfirm you where not dreaming, nor where you dead. You where very much alive, and the pain let you know that being alive and awake was indeed very painful. She breathed slowly though her nose, learning just how important it was to breath, it made the pain levels stay within a range that she could deal with. ”You’ve already cut me once…Isn’t that good enough?” The Sawtooth asked truthfully, her voice free and clear of any smart ass tones or pitches. She turned her head away as she gagged at the sight of blood from the coyote. There had been way too much bloodshed already. Why must there be more, the Sawtooth female held onto her-self for dear life as she push her nose away trying to find a pocket of air that wasn’t tainted with the rustic smell of blood.


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