Watch The Glow

Word Count :: 000

She nodded as the woman spoke softly of the glowing lake in front of them. It was true - the lake was absolutely gorgeous, not any less so than when she had first set her eyes on the place. The lands they had claimed truly was a beautiful place, and the lagoon with its luminescent glow was no exception whatsoever.

She looked at the female that had asked her the question, and thought back - yes, she remembered a time when she felt that perhaps, the relationship between her and Bangle would never work out. But now that she was older, now... it seemed like she never saw him around. She would see him once, maybe twice a month, and then.. nothing.

"It seemed like it, for a while," she said carefully. She then looked at Dara's eyes, wondering what had prompted the woman to ask her that. "Why do you ask?"

And I will be your hope when you feel like it's over

Image courtesy of Nick-K & joeri-c

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