Where to go
Isa softly nudged Tharin, reassuringly licking him. It was a silly mistake, but he definitely felt better about it now. Especially since it got her to move closer to him. He nodded his head, looking around. I can't stay on my own for long. It's dangerous for a lone wolf. Besides, I miss being around others. His tail beat with excitement at her words. This was surely a rich land, to bear so many packs in it! At least one would have to have room for him in it, a place that he could call his own and slowly work to make his way into, proving that he was worthy, and not just a young fool who called himself a hunter.

The next words made absolutely no sense to him. Optime form? Pups not yet able to shift? What in the world was she talking about? Was it a word for a passing into adulthood here or something? He looked at her blankly before recovering, taking on a knowing look. He didn't want to look completely ignorant before such a pretty female. Even if he didn't have a clue what she was talking about, he could at least act like it. He nodded along, pretending to understand. Of course, it's much better with optime. He had no idea what he had just said, but it seemed agreeable with the words she had used.

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