The Atlantic was born today

Hahaha. That's funny. XD
wc 536

She nodded her head at the friendly young male, it must be hard to have your family so spread out. Her family may have been small, but at least for a while they were always together. After one year Ehno had left, and not too terribly long after that Ghita had disappeared. Then just a little over a month ago her mother died. Savina wondered what it was like, having parents fighting. She had really only ever had the one parent, her mother. "I imagine that would get pretty frustrating at times. I guess the bright side is that you have family most places you'd go though. At least with Sirius and your mother." That was the one thing about this wolfess, she tried her best to always look for the positive. The "sunnier side of life" some might say. Of course sometimes it didn't come easy, she had the dark parts of her being and her past that could easily bring her down. But for the most part the jet femme was an optimistic being.

Her smile widened at Jazper's description of his biological parents. She was happy that he was able to talk about them and not feel sad. The Italian girl was getting closer to that point when she talked about her mother, but the loss was still fairly fresh. From the sound of it he had lost them when he was pretty young, not that that necessarily made a difference. It just had given him more time to heal. Also he had some loving surrogate parents, so that probably really helped as well. "They sound like quite the pair. Its a shame you didn't get to spend more time with them. And I'm sorry that you don't really have anyone you can talk to who knew them. But its good to talk about them anyway. That way you'll never forget them." Savina thought it was really important that you remembered where you came from and who you loved even if they were gone.

"Savina, do you think its...wrong, to like learning about humans." It wasn't a question she had to think about. "No Jazper, I don't think its wrong at all. Actually I think its important to know about them. Back in Italy I was taught about the human culture and history that was there, even though we didn't live like the other civilized wolves. I learned about the Roman Empire that took place a long, long time ago. I saw the ruins of the some of the structures they built. I think its important that we learn about them so we don't make the same mistakes that they did." It was true, as a child she had lapped up all the stories about the Romans. About their culture and their beliefs. Their mythologies. It had all fascinated her. "But at the same time we need to remember that we are not them. There's nothing wrong with learning about them, and taking some of their practices as our own. Yet at the same time we can't forget what we are. Where we came from. How things were before the humans died. There just has to be a balance, like with all things."


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