danger to yourself
The tiny beast would accept nothing but the truth, and though her darts were deadly her tongue and claws were even more so. She knew she would never be a match against her love in a fight without certain tools, but she was a woman and the wrath of such a creature was a dangerous thing. Her eyes seemed to grow darker as Helotes fell quiet for a moment, she wondered in those seconds if he was going to answer truthfully or if this was going to turn right here and now. Her heart soothed a little as he began to speak though.

Bitter emotions rolled in her veins as he spoke of his time with Halo, of the challenge of it all. She wondered deep down if he had viewed their time together as a challenge as well but her caught her tongue before she gave the male a sound lashing. Her eyes were troubled as he told her the truth. She wanted to believe him but if it had meant nothing.. then why had he set out on this command and conquer mission to have bedded the deadly snake. She was the one who ended up turning her eyes away. She wanted to believe, but this path they traveled down was a dangerous ride and though she was ready she had to know that he was too.

What he spoke of next she hadn't expected though. She assumed that she would have hurt him with her departure but she figured in time she would be a distant memory or viewed as a traitor like others in the past had viewed her. Her ears stayed pinned against her skull as he spoke, she didn't want to give in but slowly as he spoke from his heart the tension inside her tiny frame loosened and she was left with the real truth.

She tried to avoid gazing in those coal hued orbs but when he laid down the claim of what he wanted, who he wanted she realized that she would have to have him prove it once and for all. She was a creature of the Aquilla, loyal to him and not the clan. She liked it thatway but she had to know where Helotes stood as well. She would not tie herself to a beast that may challenge Ezekiel and place her in a position of choosing between loyalty and love. She raised her grey lilac orbs to meet his as she spoke plain and simple. "My heart is mine to give, but you know I belong to Ezekiel." She twined a finger around one of his locks as her words fell between them. "If he thinks you are worthy.. then you may have all of me.." There was no teasing tone or flirty game to be played. It tugged at her heartstrings to make him ask.. but she wasn't really certain if he understood the connection between their leader and herself.

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