everything looks perfect from far away
Omg this thread is killing me hahaha. These two are so hilarious.
[/html]He could hear her knocking, but it was like nobody was home. He could see her looming closer and closer, but Claudius was still stuck. He was struggling just to pull his mouth shut, but it seemed as though his jaw had gotten stuck. He let out a low whimper, but it turned out to sound more like a squeak. His eyes widened when Terra moved closer and licked him on the nose. Working his jaw, he tried to close it, but all he could do was wiggle it back and forth and from side to side. When Terra rubbed against his side, he felt all his fur stand up and in a split second, he’d snapped his jaw shut. He tried to relax, but he still felt stiff and unaccommodating. Of course, he wasn’t sure how accommodating he could be when there was a coyote girl rubbing her scent all over him.

After what seemed like an eternity of his heart pounding in his ears, Terra declared him to be fit and stepped back with a grin. Claudius tried to reply, but all that came out was another squeak. He tried to make a real sound – words even! – but nothing came out when he moved his jaw. All he could think of was the feeling of Terra being so close to him and being unable to do anything.

“Th-th-th… a-a… a… nks,” he replied. He still couldn’t move. [html]

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