[M]Finding a late dinner, or not.
On four legs for the first time in a while, Inocencio was pleased to see that the female was still standing there, and not run off with the turket that still lay near them. Green eyes looked over Fleta with a slightly different perspective, and made no attempt that he was examining, with a widening grin indicating just how he thought about the findings. "If you only stand still, do you think that you can hold my weight up?" Inocencio inquired while he tried to close any distance remaining between them. It was the male's plan to immediately start licking at Fleta's neck, but start slowly trailing along toward her rear, rubbing affectionately against the other canine if possible.

A different sort of warmth was growing inside of the silver-tongued male, along with a desire to climb on top of the injured female. Inocencio knew that carrying his weight would probably be hard, especially since he wouldn't just be resting on top of her if things worked like the male wanted. The only alternative that initially made itself evident was finding something for Fleta to rest on, to keep weight off her leg. Even though Inocencio should have considered the possibility of Fleta suddenly getting cold feet, the lusty male was too caught up in the game to consider that disappointment.

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