Coming Back to Haunt Me
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Don't worry ^^ I love longer posts, even though I don't usually have the muse to make such long ones myself <33

She listed with care as he recounted a time in the not-so-distant past where his life had been much different than it was now. He'd lived with his parents, had (what seemed to her) to have a fairly normal life. Then the bears had attacked. She made no noise when he spoke, unsure of what she could say and not wanting to interrupt him. Naniko needed a bit of time to think through what he'd stated and to assess his current state. Whether she liked to admit it or not, she still had quite a bit of her old self inside of her...buried deep beneath the mask that she had to wear to handle the responsibilities that came with leading the pack. Young Naniko had been a dreamer, an innovator. An herbalist that knew every plant in the forest and how to heal nearly any ailment that she had come across. A lover and brave protector.

She was still many of those things, however hidden they were. Naniko inferred from the rocking that he had been doing that Alduin telling her his past had affected him in a negative way. She didn't want to say something that would upset him further and simply sat for a few moments. She wasn't in a form that she could give him a hug in but she could still show her concern in other ways. The Angela came to sit nearer to him, finally opening her mouth to speak. "I'm very sorry about your parents. Bears can be unpredictable...there was nothing you could have done. Even I cannot stand up to a bear...I was wounded by a crazed one a few months ago, and then the beast tried to harm my pups. It was killed, but Alaki paid the price for protecting my children. He is now blind in one eye" As far as she knew, his prognosis hadn't changed.

She moved to try to nudge his neck and chin in a comforting manner, though she wasn't sure if doing so would be helpful or just cause him more harm. Perhaps he did not want the touch of another while in such a heightened state of emotion. "My biological parents left me as a pup - just up and left my sister and I one day. I had another father..I told you about both of them, I think...but he stayed and tried to help me. I was just a pup, though, and was confused. I kept looking for them and eventually ended up falling off the edge of a mountainside and breaking my leg. I also lost part of my memory that day. Bits and pieces of it are still fuzzy today. Anyway..a wolf took me in, but she soon abandoned me as well, along with her own biological children. Sometimes life can seem so...routine. So safe and secure, But then one day everything changes."

Table by Jenny!

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