until the night is over
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His movements were gently slicked by her moist insides, however tight the fit was. He pulled back, a chill spreading through the place his body had been, but this sensation was replaced by the leaking feeling of pleasure. Pain was hardly a factor now, even as Conri eased back into her, pressing down to the hilt of his shaft. A soft, oh, escaped her once their hips had contacted, and she groped his body, suddenly wanting more. Her gasps coincided with his quiet grunts as he began to repeat the motion at a calm, deliberate pace. Yet all the same, Asanotohl couldn’t help but want more, for him to go deeper, for him to hit that spot inside her that nearly broke her body into a fit of pleasure each time he dug in. It was more than she could stand, yet less than what she wanted. She wanted more.

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