Watchman's tower

Brown tipped half ears flashed backwards in a submissive gesture, she had not made such a move to anyone not Temo for a long while, not even Nayru and Razekiel had garnered as much expression from her. It was back in the time when Ichika had still been Dahlia and Phoenix Valley that she had needed to perform such actions. Yet they were not beneath her station, whether or not she was used to a high ranking she was now one of the lowest ranking members in this new pack and more than likely untrusted and regarded with almost suspicion, she had not proved herself at all as of yet, though maybe she had endeared herself to the Captina by being seen so early into her time here already seeking to protect this land and pack that belonged to hers. If it were not so then Jace would not be overly concerned, she had plenty of time to make her mark upon the people here and gain their faith and trust, to become another part of the family rather than just an interesting outsider.

Her breath left her in a huff of laughter that was inwardly sarcastic, "Now that's an understatement if I've ever heard one. These past few weeks sleep has been elusive as a hare that has not yet grown his winter coat and seeks to hide from the world until it does." She raised her head, the tilt of her muzzle showing only mirth at the situation,

"Yes. Within Ichika's hierarchy I rose to the position of Yakuso. Head animal and plant keeper. As a Prestige rank it was my duty to keep Ichika safe, and ensure no rouges or those with intent to harm made their way inside. The first line of defense despite not being of the warrior class." She sought not to boast to her new leader, merely to share the skills she held, hoping that Skye would see her as someone useful to the pack and not just another freeloader, while she was proud of her abilities she contained the majority of it, instead revealing only smatterings of honor rather than pride. She had been bound to protect Ichika's people as she was now bound to protect Cercatori d'Arte's people, a feat she was unquestionably capable of as they very well knew, it was her after all who had slaughtered the pup murderer Argul.

"My duty is to my family and also the people, it is them i serve and protect for as long as I remain alive." The pure dedication in her voice would be sure to wash away any doubts to her moral fiber,

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