everything looks perfect from far away
[/html]He didn’t mean to make her sad. He could see that she had misinterpreted his surprise for something else (oh god, what if she thought he was creepy? Or weird?) and was no longer laughing with him. His attempted thanks didn’t seem to help, either, and she nudged him. She sounded so concerned for him, which only served to surprise him more. He didn’t really understand why she thought she could go that far and not turn him into a drooling idiot. He was male, after all; there was only so much stimulation he could handle.

He turned when she nudged him and then found himself nose-to-nose with Terra. “I—I… I’m fine, Terra,” he replied. He stuttered a little, but found he was able to actually say the words rather than just squeaking like a mouse. He wondered if she could hear his heart beating; it felt so loud that he could barely hear himself speak. Smiling nervously, he added: “you just… sur-ur-… pri…sed… me… that’s all. I—wasn’t expe…e…ecting… tha-a-a-t…” His voice quivered, but he refused to let himself back down. He was strong! He had to be. He didn’t want to see her get all worried on his account again.[html]

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