maybe she doesn't deserve him

Her small body was engulfed in strong arms, settling against a larger body. A soothing familiar voice calmed the small woman, pressing herself into the strong body. Looking up, the damp girl with bleary eyes came across Hadley. The one she would carve her own heart out for, the one she would risk her life for. The very one that she had trusted, loved, and cared ever so deeply for. Burying her head into his shoulder, Selene drank in his masculine scent. Stopping short as another scent reached her delicate nose. Sel yelped as she realized who it was. Isa. She trembled and pushed him back, leaping quickly to her feet in anguish, was his leave just to see her enemy? The trust was quickly severed, much to her horror. She stood trembling on her two slender, scarred legs. Facing him. How fucking stupid had she been? To beg and plead for something that didn't even want her. "Don't touch me." Sel growled softly, ashamed of her own stupidity and the way he had so molded her to care, and bury her beneath the dirt. "You smell like her. Don't play those games with me Hadley! Why--It was never fair..." the blanket was tossed to her feet, her body was tense as if in a battle. Yet indeed it was, and now she knew Casa di Cavalieri wasn't home. "You've been with her...Was that why you left? To have her? Do you think I like this? To be...Played?" Sel backed away, the look betrayal deep in her eyes. An impulse overcame her, and she ripped the flower petal necklace from her neck. Flinging it in his direction. She was so stupid! And her life would be spent without the one she wished it would be with. "Give it to Isa. I'm fairly sure that she means a lot more than me...I'm guessing that you didn't want a child for a lover." Without the necklace, Selene felt bare. Without that one part of her soul that she had claimed that Hadley was. A hand rested in the place upon her collarbone it once hung. Tears fell freely from reddish eyes, finding that the part of her heart that was Hadley's could no longer serve its purpose.

Selene backed away, leaving a short distance between the two. She leaned against a tree as if it were her last way of standing, "I should have seen...I should have just let you leave. Clearly my life shouldn't be spent lovesick for a womanizer... It doesn't work that way huh? Do you think I enjoy this? I'll never be safe...There'd be no one..." And that was it. With last strength, Selene scaled the tree she leaned against, hopping an pulling herself up into the branches, she wasn't too high up but high enough that she thought she couldn't be seen by her attacker-yes attacker. It hurt.

Why had she been so friggin naive? Why hadn't she just let him go? Why did she ever have to proclaim her love for the guy? All fucking wallowing and heartbreak. And she started to sob quietly into her hands, holding herself just by her feet. Her dagger...Where was her dagger? She needed it...Not to carve her hurt into Hadley, but herself. Slipping down from the tree, impulsively she went to face Hadley. "Tell me one thing. Did you ever care? Or was it all lies? I'm through with having to face Isa and think that you've wanted her instead, and that you don't care. I'm not going back to the pack...And how much it hurts me, I'm not going back to you. I've tried once...And maybe I didn't express it enough that you've both hurt me so much...I should have just let you leave." Sel trembled softly and stepped away, "You wanted this first anyway. I'm guessing this won't hurt you as much. Or you wouldn't have gone to her." Tears streamed shamelessly from saddened eyes, hating how he had come to her like this. He couldn't even imagine how it tore her heart out to say this, the next words that gave away their goodbye. "You know? Maybe someday there will be someone for me...Where I don't have to guess and wonder that they love me...Hope and fret about them not sleeping around...I won't have to guess that they care, I'll know." This was so difficult! There was no way to stop her tears, her soul was being given away! Softly, meekly she gave him a quieter few words. "T-Thank you...For showing me what it's like to care and love someone...Hadley, I loved you...I wanted us to be together--I'm sorry for being the woman you never wanted. And for getting in the way...I wasn't beautiful enough, I should have just died in the fire." Jonito shouldn't have saved her, it wasn't worth this! And she didn't even want Italy. If life was going to be nothing but sleeping on the ground, and nothing but the grey and dark forest, what was really worth it? Isa had won. And her scent upon Hadley's pelt just seemed like the frightening woman gloating. He never said that she was pretty, or worthwhile enough to stay in his company. Well, Ismeme could fill that in. Did he know how much this cut out her heart? Did he see the rampant tears falling from her eyes? Did he see the pain reverberating from her very soul? Did he feel it even? Would she take him back? If there was the chance...However much she wanted to, she couldn't. Pushed from her own home from a woman who Hadley or herself barely knew, a lover stolen beneath her nose...Homeless, and forever broken. "Just--Go home...Or somewhere--I-I can't deal with this...I think--This may be the last time we see eachother."

SADFACE eh, they can talk this over and we can quit this...It's really hard to reply. I just wanted this to go as quickly as possible.

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