Everyone Pays a Price for War, So What's Yours?
Ayasha saw his sigh and hoped that it didn’t mean anything bad when he did that. But he talked about Strel and his own father being busy and Liam was as well getting his trade. She nodded. ”I expected them to be busy since they are leaders after all. And what is your trade? An apothecary?” She seemed to remember that he was good at it when they were in the war.

She felt a little bad about her questions about him and Robin being a couple. Well not that much. She was a bit of a nosy person and wanted to do some matchmaking. But she wasn’t going to do it if he didn’t want her to. Not that she would let her victims know that was what she was planning on doing, even if it was for their own good. She wasn’t that cruel to help someone who truly didn’t want her help.

Liam seemed frustrated with her being here and asking these questions. Though his observation was rather close to one of her reasons for coming here, but not her main reason. Ayasha gave him a grin and said, ”Well, that was only a minor reason for me to come. My main reason was to see how you and your pack were doing and also visit with my uncles.” She saw no reason to lie in this situation.

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