under cover
OOC: *bats her customers away with brooms so she can FINALLY post something*

She stood amongst her packmates at the ready. No light shone to illuminate the border of the Inferni clan as the members of Dahlia de Mai gathered. Kol was young, but the Stormbringer understood the ways of war well enough. Her movements were swift and silent as she stalked with the pack in her secui form, still retaining the overall agility and grace her body posessed, while adding a bit more power than her lupine form granted. The ebony shewolf flexed her left shoulder, the scars finally past the stage of reopening, and she silently thanked the Packmother that there was no stiffness nor pain this night. Kol would need all of her strength and skill for the skirmish ahead.

The girl's left ear flicked suddenly as something snapped in the brush near the group, her head swinging around to lock her violet eyes on whatever had caused the upset, but she turned her head away again when she took note of the fox scampering away. As she turned to face their target again, Kol's gaze caught the emerald of Firefly's, and she nodded determinedly at her. Wars couldn't go on forever, and the one between the coyotes of Inferni and the Dahlian wolves needed to end before anymore lives were affected. Kol could be as violent as anyone when the need arose, and had the darkness in her that allowed her to take pleasure in the blood letting, but that didn't mean she agreed with the senselessness of violence just for the hell of it. That was exactly how it appeared this conflict had arisen, with the irritatingly pointless attack on a pregnant member of Dahlia, resulting in the loss of her children. The hatred and violence had spiraled from there, Kol had learned, and someone needed to put an end to it. That someone was the entire group gathered here tonight; too small for an all-out battle, they were nevertheless just large enough to carry out a shadowy infiltration. The Stormbringer could only hope things went as planned.

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