[M]Finding a late dinner, or not.
Feeling Fleta press into him, even if it was probably just a reaction to some dream she was having, it felt good, and brought a light smile to Inocencio's face. The feeling was short-lived however, as she sat up, taking the warmth away from him, and the male watched her seem to look for something. Locking eyes with the shy Fleta, the male felt desire, want, but her words distracted him before the feelings could grow too strong. For some reason, there was a hint of regret that he had not left some of the turkey, since eating breakfast together certainly sounded like a good way to keep the female around him.

Trying to not look a little frustrated at that lack of foresight on his part, Inocencio responded with an attempted lick at Fleta's face, and also justification for why he ate all of the turkey "I'm sorry, I should have saved some for you, but since I'll be carrying you to your pack, I thought it might be a good idea for me to have plenty of energy... since I used a bit last night.". It was a lie of course, he had not thought of needing energy to carry Fleta ahead of time, but it seemed like a good way to impress the female, and mentioning their mutual fun was just to see how she responded.

While waiting on Fleta's reaction, Inocencio sat up, and then moved into a crouch, his arms moving into position to carry Fleta, but nodding at his arms to wait for her to move where he could lift up.

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