shadows and dust
OOC: Ugh I'm SO sorry for taking so long. I usually only post at work, and the past two weeks have been horribly hectic. *dies* And this is somewhat sucky and short, but I don't want to hold us up any longer.

As Kol continued her trek through the night, her violet eyes suddenly caught on something that didn't blend with the makeup of the land. A light blob of something lay up ahead, just inside the borderline, and as she drew closer the scent of a female drifted toward her nose. It was the same scent that made up a part of the pack border, and upon further inspection Kol realized the other femme was shifted. Not wanting to delay her trek, the ebony shewolf pulled a little bit farther away from the scentline.

Her attention, however, was decidedly not what it should have been, and her gaze shifted to the alabaster figure on the rock as she passed by. Kol had always been fascinated by white wolves, as they always seemed to have some sort of ethereal glow about them. True it made things like stealth a bit harder when you couldn't melt into shadow the way Kol could, but nevertheless the young girl had always envied her inverse fellow wolves. Unfortunately, this moment of admiration caused an upcoming fallen limb to go unnoticed, and the Stormbringer couldn't stop the loud yelp that came from her mouth as her left leg twisted and rolled beneath her. She caught herself before falling, but her leg was on fire with pain, and her ankle had already begun to swell. Cursing her luck and stupidity, the ebony female started forward again, hobbling on her three good legs.

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