Momma, Momma I'm comin' home!
So many wolves had come and gone in just a few short days. She had vauge memories of Lucifer. Stronger feelings about Conri and the news he'd brought her. And now, the best scent of all was on the wind. one of her sons. She'd shifted down to her normal form, the shape she was born in. An ordinary wolfess. Albiet, the last time she wore this form, she'd had her full ear, and no obvious scars. Oh well.

She loped to the border where the pup's scent lingered. And there was her boy, making his way to her. "noah!" She padded to him, nuzzling him and licking his face eagerly, her tail beating a wild tempo. Whoever had taken care of his injury had done a good job. She wished she'd been there, but lucifer had made her outcast. She nuzzled her son again, tenderly. "I'm so glad to see you, baby. I've missed you so very much!"

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