[M]Teacher and Student
every memory that I hold

were all just scars in the making

Word Count → 249

The copper-colored female pushed her dark hood back, revealing a pair of sharp golden eyes. A scar nearly bisected her angular muzzle. Age was not quite so easily revealed in canines, but she did seem older than the Optio. It was something that the paler female did not like to think about, however, and so she chose to ignore it. The number of years one had seen was only important when one was very old or very young.

The cloaked she-yote spoke quickly of her daughters, and with a blink of surprise Vesper nodded. “They’re doing great,” she replied. “Wraith is a Vigiles under my training, actually; she shows a lot of promise.” The hybrid subleader did adore the younger canines and readily took them under wing. She hit it off better with Wraith and Nathaniel than Lucilla, whom she hadn’t swapped more than a few words with, but she would kill to defend them.

Her ears twitched when she heard the Infernian title. She’d joined the clan too recently to have heard of an Aeron Ganesa, but it surprised her that she hadn’t really even heard the name from her children—although Wraith had mentioned her, she recalled now. The girl hadn’t sounded particularly fond of her mother, but no wonder if she was in Anathema now.

“I’m Vesper, the Optio,” the scarred coywolf said to get introductions out of the way. Lids fell over pale blue eyes, her expression casual but questioning. “Why did you leave Inferni?”

Vesper Optime by Nat; table code from the Mentors!

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