I'm Not One of Them
Shandom confirmed his idea of it being a good pack, making Tharin yearn for it even more. It was Shandom's next words that startled Tharin though. It lifted him up and dropped him down at the same time. He would be welcome. They would accept him and want him. The thought was wonderful, if it weren't for the nagging worry that remained. Akira had died because he wasn't good enough. The pack had been forced to split because he hadn't been a good enough hunter, unaware that his skills were high above that of an average wolf due to the time spent tracking prey during the famine, taking down prey where other wolves wouldn't have been able to.

He listened to Shandom's explanation, nodding his head. So what the virus could do was unclear. He winced slightly as the wolf mentioned that it hadn't been good the first time. Probably quite painful, like all sicknesses were. Well, if you don't mind, I'd like to see this pack. Maybe, just maybe, he would be good enough to be accepted in there.

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