Strange Face in Strange Lands
Iskata had been roaming the forest looking for boar, she was in no shape to actually catch them but that didn't stop her from looking for signs and catching sight of them. She didn't mind the rain though everyone who knew the silver and gold lady knew that she was most likely to be found on a sunny summer day sprawled out atop some open place taking in the tantalizing rays of warmth that radiated from the sun who seemed to have been missing as of late. She shook out the excess water from her pelt and crept forward through the woods, the grunts and squeals of the family of boars met her ears as she caught sight of the mother and her three young. Iskata knew that the young were old enough to survive without the aide of their mother's milk, something she was highly interested in. If she could catch the young while another distracted the mother she would have three pigs to add to the assortment of cattle the pack had gathered. She grinned to herself as she watched the mother dip down into a hollow in the ground. After much hunting and stalking the shewolf had finally tracked down the small family's den, something she'd been hoping would happen soon.

Turning away from her hunting and tracking she made certain to leave a marking along the path she took back towards her packlands. Now that she'd found what she was looking for she didn't plan on losing them anytime soon. They would be added to the stock. Unlike Asmodai she had no moral arguments on herding the unintelligent lifestock into pens and keeping them there until meat became scarce in the winter. She after all had worked to get the animals there in the first place, it wasn't like she was plucking them off trees lazily. The work had been done to hunt them down, just not in the season of need. She shook her head as she padded softly down the path, quite proud indeed of the feat she'd accomplished today, even if in anyone else's eyes seemed small it was another step towards extending their survival in the coming winter.

The rain dripped through the leaves as she paused along the trail a moment. She caught the scent of another as she saw a shadow passing along further down the trail. Her sun shot sky eyes traced the brilliant blotch of white and flash of coppery crimson. She would have mistaken the creature for her daughter yet she knew Firefly's pelt held no brilliant whites like this one's did. She took up her pace again as she came around the bend and stood directly in the path of the other. She wasn't being rude entirely, she just stopped to study the male and when you met another in a bend it wasn't like there was really anywhere to turn off to let them pass. Instead she sat down and smiled softly. "Hallo Sir." She had no clue what or who she'd ran into but it was obviously some sort of canine, as much as he looked like she did in some way or another.

She'd met one or two dogs before, though one had been scared to death of her and the other she'd never seen again. Both had looked so strange from eachother in her memory and yet this one almost looked like she did, except not so. She was caught up in those bi-colored eyes which reminded her of Deuce's eyes. She shook her head slightly and excused herself. "I'm sorry for staring.." She looked away suddenly as she realized just how rude she was being. With an apologetic grin she introduced herself. "I'm Iskata Sadira.." She really didn't know what to expect from the male. He was different, that was obvious, but it wasn't like he was going to grow wings and fly away.

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