Watch The Glow

Word Count :: 500+

She felt sympathy for the female, and hoped that her latest story hadn't struck a bad note with her. Not to grow up with your parents, to never know them, and yet feel the burning pain when you lose them.. it seemed a lot to bear.

She was reminded painfully of her abandoned mate as the female next to her asked who he was. Sighing, she spoke, shorter and more curtly than the last story she had told; "Bangle is... was my mate," she said slightly bitterly - so many had left her, and she should have known better than to think that even her mate would stay. "He abandoned me, abandoned the pack. I don't know where he is now." The male had come around less and less frequently until he had stopped coming at all. She was not even sure that he would come back at all - why else would he leave without a word, without a note, without even a whisper of why he went, if but to leave forever?

And I will be your hope when you feel like it's over

Image courtesy of Nick-K & joeri-c

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