Watch The Glow

Word Count :: 500+

"That's alright, Dara," said the female kindly, replacing the detached look on her face with one with more warmth. "There was no way you could have known that he was my mate." It was true - if she was going to get angry with each of her members every time they reminded her of something bad, or asked her an innocent question, she would not be much of a leader at all. No, she did not blame this female for asking her questions; she enjoyed the conversation. It was one of the better ones she's had in a while.

"That's great," she said in reply to the girl talking about possibly claiming a house in Thornbury. "Feel free to choose any one you want - that is unclaimed, of course," she said, laughing softly. "I'll help you settle in if you want, when you choose." Choosing a house had been exciting for her, and she hoped that Dara would find the same happiness in choosing her own dwelling.

And I will be your hope when you feel like it's over

Image courtesy of Nick-K & joeri-c

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