home is never the same

Word Count :: 242 OOC :: .

Zalen's olive eyes did not miss any of the emotions that ran through the stranger, Willow’s face. He was adept at reading the emotions of others’, it was a skill he had acquired from a young age, after his mother had died. He hoped, that her mental roulette wheel would settle on a fairer, happy emotion; but it was not to be so.

The face that had been sweet and flirtatious a moment before then twisted into a look of dark disapproval rooted in memories. The female rose then, and spat out venomous words at Noah, followed quickly by a sugar coated apology. She then said that she wished to learn more about these lands, and let on to where she had come from, a place where assassins were born.

Zalen’s ears sat high and forward on his head and he stared the woman down, even though she stood above him, The wolves here respect each other and do not take kindly to outsiders speaking as you have to my brother, He licked his black lips then, letting white teeth show momentarily, I don’t know of this Catalyst of which you speak, but if the young there are bred to be assassins, and it spawns such wolves as yourself, then I assure you, yes it is much different from New Dawn. His normally green eyes turned icy then, and his hackles raised, though he did not make any outward threat besides this.

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