Say, my, name, and hiss in the same breath

The dame hadn't shown signals of waking for anything throughout the endeavor to Pandemic's home, and she remained limp throughout the trip.

It felt as though she had spent mere minutes within the numbing pall of her subconscious, oblivious to the world around her, and it wasn't until now that she had begun to stir. Minty, jade gaze cracked open, her blurry sight further smudged, and near completely dark. A wheeze hissed through that slender chest as the woman came to in this unfamiliar place. It hadn't yet occurred to her that she had been moved, her mind still in the grips of its healing subconscious. The doe sucked in another deep breath before it wrenched and caught in her throat, ribs heaving as she coughed and wheezed, body aching from being carried over a shoulder like an item.

It took her yet another moment more before she realized she was still dangling from the stranger's shoulder, much to her displeasure, and she struggled to piece together what all had happened. The dame's lips tugged into a grimace as she tried to push herself away from Pandemic's shoulder, limbs trembling a bit with the attempt, still feeling the weakening effects of the blow to her crown.

Down...! the dame muttered, throat dry. Put me down, put me...!

Mint and milk gaze turned about, trying to examine where she was. The mottled-coat fae fell silent after a moment once she failed to find any of the surrounding region familiar, and she seemed to shrink against the charcoal beast's shoulder.

Take me home, please... she requested timidly, the entire situation overwhelming and frightening.

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