
Word Count → 310 :: OOC

Wander. Wander Huxley. Cerberus repeated the name in his head over and over again – what a lovely name it was. Lovely name for a lovely creature…lovely, lovely, lovely. Ceri’s face contorted as a result of the odd thoughts and feelings coursing through his body – what was going on? Like a love-sick pup not really sick on love he stared at her, scarcely able to tear his gaze away. He was glad that she couldn’t see him, for she would have surely slapped him by now. ‘Staring is rude,’ echoed his mother’s words through his frazzled mind. But he couldn’t…quite…stop.

Birds are…wonderful things, he finally said, flailing for words to break the silence. His hand hadn’t moved from its perch on her knee, and upon realizing this, he left it there still, justifying the action with the explanation that it would ease her nerves if he left it there. Peering up at the sky, he scanned the warm atmosphere for any signs of a winged creature, almost daring one to appear and disrupt his moment with her. Everything – even down to the little noises she made when she spoke – captivated Ceri, and he wanted to scoop her up and take her home, to keep her all to himself. But he shook his head – what nonsense was this? She was the very epitome of a stranger, and here he was acting like he’d admired her from afar all his miserable life. Leaning against the boulder upon which she sat, Cerberus returned his gaze to the vacant eyes of Miss Wander. I had stopped to rest after my walk, but I wouldn’t mind company as lovely as yours, he said. There was that word again. Gritting his teeth, he cursed himself tenfold for saying such a foolish thing, and then finally removed his hand from her knee to rest it in his lap.

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