[p] another time when the earth wasn't so angry

(426) I am not sure if Val is Ithiel's actual cousin. 8B Some kinda cousin. CLOSE ENOUGH, RIGHT? RIGHT. XD Also, someone should probably temper Ithiel and remind him scoutface didn't actually trespass... >____>

Ithiel is by Raze!

The shadow behind him materialized into Sepirah, the jackal-cousin he did not know particularly well yet. She rode a horse Ithiel did not recognize -- but Lystra seemed to, offering a greeting whinny to Sepirah's mount. The dusky coyote was eternally grateful for his mare's improved behaviors -- she no longer shrieked and fought him at every turn. Lystra was still a high-strung creature and always would be, but at least now she was controllable. He had learned much in horsemanship from Myrika, and he was indebted to his red-haired cousin, not only by virtue of their ranks, but by her very deeds, as well.

The scout before him remained silent, and the Tirones Sepirah commanded him to speak again. Ithiel's carnelian-hued eyes shot upward and spied a dark shape moving against the clouds. Somewhere behind Sepirah came the sound of hoofbeats, the certain approach of his fellow clanmates. The scout remained silent, and Ithiel decided it was best to dismount. He directed Lystra over toward Sepirah and her mount, certain te scout would not run now -- not with two other horsed Luperci.

He slid from horseback and sent Lystra trotting off with a gentle push. Another of the clan arrived then, and Ithiel's gaze shifted from the stranger to her for a moment before refocusing. Again, the muddied wolf was bid to answer, and at long last, he spoke. Ithiel lifted his lip and showed a tooth, shaking his head at the wolf's offering. He knows where our borders are, Ithiel said, directing his speech to both cousins. He scouts them intentionally.

With the accusation, the dusty coyote turned and drew his dagger from its customary spot at his side and pointed it toward the scout. He means us ill. Him and all his kind. How many are you? The dusty man demanded, striding toward the scout. The cream-splotched wolf took several steps back, but did not break and run. The yellow-eyed wolf looked at Ithiel with an expression of bewilderment, and shook his head. It's just me, and I was just trying to get past, he said. Too smoothly, Ithiel thought, but what did that mean? Just a smooth talker, or a true danger? Something felt very wrong here, and Ithiel shook his head firmly. We should not let him leave, the dusky man suggested as he stepped forward toward the scout, still brandishing his dagger. It was no longer pointed toward the stranger, but was held at his side, still at the ready.

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