until the night is over
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She internally fought to control herself. Stop crying, right now! Asa swallowed hard, biting back tears from an unknown sorry. He left me, Conri… Quilas left me… Who was that? I am a nobody... She shut her eyes tight, trying to remember suddenly, trying to put the name to a face… someone of importance. She only knew his name, and only because the small girl crushing herself against the wall kept saying it over and over, begging him to come back. The memory would not go away, but more than it brought sadness, it brought confusion. He left me because… he… She didn’t know why he left, why he had yelled at her before leaving her in the rain. But as the memory continued, she could feel a sharp pain in her left ear; the top had just been bitten off. She was sitting in the rain, crying, bleeding… dying. He… left… me?

table by chels

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