Last Chance
Thanatos' words calmed Amy down. He was being very respectful of her, and she sat down, licking around her muzzle to catch the blood. The coyote had passed out at this point, so she'd have to drag him home. Well, that was fine. The point was that he learned his lesson and stopped trying to escape. As long as that point was got across Amy could care less about what else happened. Feeling fairly sure that the last of the blood had been licked away Amy shook herself out. I don't mind your company. I suppose I should give you something in thanks. Accept it please.

Moving a short distance away Amy found a place to change back into optime form. She pulled her jeans back on, buttoning up her blouse. Looking fairly respectable once more Amy returned to where the assassin was. Her hair was loose, tumbling around her as she didn't have anything to put it up with. Distastefully she studied the coyote, trying to think of the best way to get him back without staining her clothes with blood. At last she settled on taking the rope that Thanatos had provided and using that to drag him back. Walking back towards Anathema she glanced behind her, indicating for the dark male to follow.

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