Last Chance
Amy seemed to calm down at his words and she sat down, licking the blood from her muzzle. She stated that she didn’t mind his company and thanked him. ”There is no need for thanks but I will except nonetheless.” He bowed his head to her, always being respectful to other assassins.

He stayed where he was while she left to shift and get dressed. He had only his weapons with him at the time, having left his cloak behind. Thanatos knew a lot of females preferred the comfort of clothing. Isa and Thana didn’t care for them though, two of the few women who didn’t like cloths at all.

Respectfully, he kept his back turned as she got dressed, only looking at her once she came back. Amy began to drag her slave back and glanced behind her, motioning for him to follow. He walked beside her before looking down at the male. ”I could carry him for you if you like.” He wasn’t trying to insult her or make it seem like she couldn’t do it on her own, it was simply an invitation and nothing more.

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