Before the Work is Done
No worries! ♥ I’m slow, so.... OuO Hmm.... You can have him follow or we can end after another round of replies? Slight PP at the end.... >u<;; This is just how she would react. PM me with anything! OuO
WC: 666

The black fae’s plume waved thoughtfully behind her. Two names spilled forth from the wretched creature’s mouth, although he assured her that he had many masters. The dark lips twitched with sinister intent. So. He was a communal slave. It pleased the slave of one master. This denoted clearly to her who was lesser—although, a sparring match could have revealed such a thing more clearly. The fighter was confident, perhaps overconfident. And yet that overconfidence was reinforced by daily training, by skill, and by her loyalty to her master. Like an attack dog on a leash, she was a dangerous creature. Yet, the name first spoken was ‘Eris.’ The Korean hybrid had learned to connect the sound with the Auxiliary, who sat alongside the Boss at the dinners with the Family. The shattered mind struggled to place the significance of the uttered name of Eris with the lesser communal slave. Perhaps the lesser Khirot had bought himself some protection, but the belligerent nature of the Jindo-wolf was unwilling to release him so easily. A thoughtful growl rumbled in her throat as she began to move about him.

The male assured her that he was not boring her, and lowered himself to the earth. The terrible jaws of the enslaved wolf parted, black lips pulling back to briefly unsheathe the strong, white teeth. “그래,” the alto voice sneered, a malignant amusement apparent on those Korean tones. She did not attack the posturing, lesser slave, but stood over him, allowing her own body to posture something that had not been apparent within her for a great while. Dominance. the Jindo-wolf adopted it automatically toward the other slave, a faint memory of having done it many times before allowing the movements come with ease. With ears pressed forward and tails raised, her hackles rose dangerously. Now that the other had postured his inferiority to her, she would be more willing to reinforce their...relationship. It was the first relationship, perhaps, that the fighting female had made with...anyone. Save for Salvia, the black one did not interact unless a member of the Family required her services. Save for Salvia, the relationships that the Slave of the Flame had were not benign. Salvia was different. Salvia had pulled her from the sea, and conquered her utterly in a way that the shattered mind could not comprehend nor escape, and Salvia had given to her the gift of training, of fighting. It was the only freedom the Korean woman could comprehend and want.

As the male sat up, speaking again of fish, the Korean slave snarled. Her body, dense with pure, trained muscle, leapt forth. Black jaws opened, revealing hungry, white fangs that threatened to snap at his muzzle and neck. Unkind paws pushed into his body so that she might pin him beneath her. The Jindo-wolf preferred him to be on the ground, and she moved to put him there again. The dark plume waved excitedly behind her, raised up in dominance. Her jaws would have closed lightly in warning about the looser skin of the side of his neck, her teeth perhaps pinching as she withdrew, drawing a small trickle of blood. Indeed, a mere warning. He was lucky that she was merely posturing. He was lucky that he belonged to the pack. Had he been uncapture and unranked within Salsola, the Korean slave would have taken greater liberties. Indeed, if the Auxiliary’s name had not been mentioned, liberties may have been taken. The slave Khirote was lucky for now. “No help,” the alto purred near his ear. “TaeKyung is higher,” the foreign voice pushed, fully posturing now. She wanted him to know that he was a lesser slave. That she was somehow better. Their gold rings rang together as TaeKyung brought her maw over his. The black lips were lax, momentarily sheathing the dangerous teeth as a cold expression flickered across her features like a flame of death. “I am your master also.” It was a bold claim indeed.

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