until the night is over
Jade eyes settled in to her as she spoke, the glassy look that had taken them sending faint chills through him. It was creepy, in a way, but it all seemed to be helping, at least in the faintest bit. He wondered, for a moment, if he should have just kept him mouth shut. The memory was an upsetting one, perhaps one that shouldn't have come back at all, and in a way he felt that it was his fault. His own hand followed hers, edging against the torn ear, tracing the very edges with his fingers. "Was he your friend?" He didn't seem like much of a friend, of course. A family member or a lover perhaps. "He isn't here to hurt you now.." Conri whispered quietly, pressing his muzzle against hers in a gentle fashion. "I wouldn't let him hurt you.."

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