Carry Me Home Tonight
Word Count :: 495 A lot longer than I thought. And Rivers is in Optime as well. ^^

Rivers never intended to return to the oh-so-familiar lands at first, but after a bit of wandering, it eventually led to coming "home." He had lived a solitary life here for a few months, learned to love and savor the taste of rabbit, ready himself for even greater dangers than just those the environment provided.

Oh, and he almost died there, too, but hey, it did come with a benefit: he now saw the world with a new set of eyes. Two different colored eyes, but nonetheless, eyes seeking the attention of survival, and perhaps the companionship of others as well.

At the moment, Rivers was relaxing by the shore, but rather near the rougher stretch than the calmer one, as he settled for more intense waters. He had taken a dip just a few seconds before, made obvious by the water dripping from his fur and nose, and sighed. He felt a content smile pull at his lips. It seemed as though all was good: he had a pack, he had a chance if survival, and, most importantly, he had a nice beach to visit anytime the urge to return to the water struck him. Sure, there were streams and such back at Anathema, but this beach held more value to him, as he used to come by every day and swim when he used to reside there. With another deep breath, Rivers let his eyes wander up to the clouds above.

However, his seemingly perfect day was soon cut short by that horrid screeching sound. Instantaneously his head jerked toward the noise, and curiosity took over him. Rising to his feet, Rivers started toward the source, and blinked as he saw a figure dart across his path: though it was a bit too far away to tell, the Luperci male came to the conclusion it was a she-wolf. And by the looks of it, she was chasing someone.

Cautiously following from afar, Rivers let his curious musings lead him after the two. He heard a few words being spoken, and soon stopped as he saw her: a silver coated wolfess, standing her ground in front of another canine of mixed origins. He was apparently unnoticed by them, and after assuming the mixed canine had wronged the she-wolf in some way, decided to take action. "Da-yum, kids today..." he muttered under his breath.

The darker canine started rushing toward the wolfess. Taking this as his cue, Rivers also ran over to her, but with a different purpose in mind: rather than attacking her, he was going to save her hide.

Rivers swiftly let his right foot plant firmly into the ground as an anchor, and lashed out his hand to the she-wolf's arm in an attempt to pull her out of the way. If he failed in doing so, though, it would probably cost the girl some bones or a few scars to be embedded on her body.

Image courtesy of miez!

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