
Word Count → 215 :: Sorry, this one’s short ‘cause I didn’t want to powerplay her “seeing” him.

Never having ever had a blind woman try to “see” him before, Cerberus was quite confused as to how one would even do such a thing. So, naturally, when Wander asked to do so, he stared at her with an expression so completely dumbfounded that even the fae’s bird would have laughed at him if it could. Warm hues flickered down to her outstretched hands then, and he took them in his, merely assuming that this was what she wanted. They felt light and delicate, like hollow glass vessels, and Ceri feared he would break her by simply holding on. Tattered ears pinned back against his ivory skull, and he lifted her hands just enough to indicate that she could do as she pleased, finally pressing his cheek to her velvet palm in confirmation. An odd tingle shot through his hunched body, pulling him upright on his knees, and his eyes became lost in the abyss of Wander’s gaze. To say he felt spellbound was an understatement – it was more like he was irreparably crushed into a humble dust whose very fiber of being consisted of glittering sunshine. There was no explanation for the way he felt, except that perhaps Wander was an angel come to rock his soul with her very presence…and she had succeeded.

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