crocodiles cry for the love of the crowd

They were both wolves, but they were not—they were a crocodile and a tiger. By nature both were beasts of impulse. Hunt, kill, consume, repopulate. Neither had room for love within them. Neither could allow for weakness such as trust or the bonds of family. Without compromise they could rise to great heights. Without compromise she could, one day, grow to destroy him. The potential within her was endless, but his carefully crafted words had manipulated a chain of silk around her throat and it held her yet.

She felt his gaze crawl over her and imagined it looking for wounds. Salvia was still a child, and she still did not know what strange control her own body held over her. The addition of weight in her chest and around her hips had been irritable, but she recognized this as something that occurred with aging. Though not as large as her mother, it was apparent she had taken her curvaceous shape from the witch-woman. With hardly any body fat beyond this, though, she was no soft woman like those the Boss favored.

A hand touched her and she forced herself to remain still. Green eyes trailed up to a set a shade darker, a shade seeped with venom aged and more potent than her own. It was done without challenge; she still believed she had this right to look upon him. “I did not think,” her voice came lowly, raw and husky. Her shame was palpable. Only this severe level of self control kept her from flinching at his hand, from arguing as someone might expect from a creature tempered with fire and ice.

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