until the night is over
They were but strangers to one another. Then again, she seemed a stranger to herself, but they had shared something together that was more deep than most words could be. Her question brought a sudden change of subject, a sudden hesitation to the young male. "My father was insane.." He started quietly, closing his eyes to the sudden scream of rage that sounded in his head. "He killed my mother's mate and then comforted her as if nothing had ever happened." At least, that was what he was told. "Then they had me.." The rest of his siblings had died, and he wondered quietly if that was for the best.

"He didn't stay around much, wandered, fathered other children. My mother found out the things that he had done. He was a rapist and a killer." And Conri had so adored that man when he was young. "She wouldn't let him see me and he attacked her." His voice was quiet and sad, though there was the slightest hint of anger that built up inside of him. "I killed him after that. I don't know if I meant to or not, really." It had all been a freak accident. "But his other son, my half brother, he found me, knocked me out and dragged me off. He took my arm, but I got away." Conri could remember very little of that part in his past, whether it was shock from the pain of having his arm removed or the simple fact that he tried so badly to block that memory out. "That was a very long time ago, though."

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