M-Broken hearts and drunken minds

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Word Count → 343

Hotaru was ready and willing to give herself completely to the male before her. Why? Because she could, because instinct drove her, because the alcohol compelled her to be with him. She was going to regret her actions later, the consequences of this one night stand would haunt the back of her mind for a long time to come. Even so, she didn't care. Consequences be damned, she needed to know someone could love her like her and share such an intimate moment with her.

When her hands ventured downwards to help please her new companion, she was not expecting his rigid reaction. His whole body seemed to tighten and his breath came in a surprised gasp. Hotaru paused momentarily, wondering if she had crossed some sort of line that was off limits to her. Her worries and hesitation were put aside when Frodo relaxed, or at least, most of him. Relief swelled in her breast as she continued to pleasure the smaller male and feel his exited reactions.

The next time Hotaru paused with her work was when Frodo leaned forward to tease her chest. She exhaled her drunken breath and leaned her head back a little. His hands moved a clumsily around her body as they examined every inch of her frame. Even so, she had difficulty concentrating on her own work as the male sent fiery sensations through her body. When his hands reached down and began to stroke her sensitive area her whole body convulsed. His eagerness only increased her desire as she teased his hardened member.

His questioning whine made her smirk as a sense of wrongdoing filled her. They should stop before things got too far. They weren't mates and Hotaru was supposed to care for Light. It was the wrongness of the situation that made her feel so right. Light was going to pay for ignoring her and going off with another male, she would see to that. Hotaru leaned into his ear, her panting breath coming out in a whisper. "What are you waiting for?"

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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