Carry Me Home Tonight
Word Count :: 549 I hope it's alright if I just played the mixed one by myself for now >>

Rivers saw the she-wolf run off in hot pursuit of the Luperci she was chasing earlier, and turned his attention to the other canine that almost stabbed through her chest. "Whatever happened to bein' civil 'round here?" he mused aloud as the beast before him growled in anger, and a hint of disgust. Weapon still drawn, he started to rush at Rivers, his knife pulled back to slash him through his chest. Rivers, who was not as experienced with fighting as he had hoped, narrowed his eyes and took a few steps to meet him, but managed to side-step out of his way before the blade connected with his skin. He even succeeded in slapping his hand at the knife, making it fall to the ground. The mixed mutt, however, jerked his head around to face him, and chomped his lethal fangs at Rivers' arm, slashing his own arm at the man's chest in an attempt to finish this fight sooner than he now bargained for.

Rivers, however, had other plans. Pulling his arm out of the way and backing up at the last possible moment, sharp teeth and claws slashed at the thin air in front of him, missing the target. Narrowing his eyes for a split second, Rivers swung his foot at the other canine's legs, felling him, and remembered the knife on the dirt. With a swift motion, he grabbed the knife as the other Luperci scrambled to his feet, and without a second guess, stabbed the knife through the canine's chest. The canine howled in pain, stumbling to the ground again, and clenched his teeth with a paw over his heart.

Panting slightly, Rivers stood over his limp body for a brief moment, then leaned down by him, the knife at hand. "... I guess that's what karma gets ya," he murmured gravely, pushing the knife onto the mutt's throat. Slashing it along the skin and fur, he quietly slit his throat, silencing the canine for good.

Rising back to his feet, Rivers rubbed the back of his neck, feeling slightly guilty he actually killed his victim rather then just leaving him near-death with his shame. A frown past over his face as his eyes closed solemnly, and he sighed. At the sound of walking nearby, though, Rivers blinked over at the source. And there she was, the silver-coated wolfess, coming back. Perhaps checking if he could actually hold his own against the mixed Luperci, perhaps to thank him for saving her. Either way, he pushed the death of the other canine out of his mind, nonchalantly stepped over his body and walked to meet the she-wolf.
"Guessin' this 'un here wasn't a friend of yours, given the circumstances," he said, letting a warm smile settle onto his face. "And I can assume you've got yourself a name? It'd be nice to know it, since we're meetin' by fate of some sorts. I'm Rivers, by the way."

In his mind, the male hoped this girl would be thankful in some way for his presence, seeing as he was a reason she didn't get stabbed through the head, but he dismissed the thought, mentally scolding himself for expecting honor for just helping out. It was only because he was there, after all.

Image courtesy of miez!

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