Bloody Payment
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Sebastian had been painting in the forest when the call rang out. Painting a small field of buttercups and daisies, the bright yellows flaring out of the green forest and jumping out at him, begging to be immortalised on canvas. He had been at the painting for the better part of two hours, working to keep the shades of yellow and gold subtly different, yet uniform. It was a long, difficult task that some would call tedious. Still, Sebastian enjoyed the small challenge.

A single brow raised when he dimly registered the fact that he was being called to the borders by a disturbingly familiar voice. Amy Sunders, the blonde wolfdog and Hadley's former master. What the hell did that psychopath want? Had she returned for Hadley? Ridiculous. They had made a fair transaction. Hadley for wine and matches. It had been a good bargain on Sebastian's part.

Sebastian carefully placed the unfinished painting in his satchel, making sure that the wet paint touched the leather of the satchel as little as possible with four metal clips he attached to the canvas. He took his time packing up his supplies before he headed in the general direction of the howl, a frown on his muzzle as he considered what the woman could possibly want.

He arrived only a couple of minutes after Wayne, looking almost threatening atop a large horse as he glared down upon the pair with a sort of wrath that could only be picked up from long territorial disputes and repeated warnings of "Get offa my land!" Or so Sebastian assumed.

Sebastian sauntered out from the trees, running a cool eye over both. Amy, looking the same as ever. Perhaps a little older, more beaten up, grumpier. A new addition, too. A slim, extraordinarily feminine man who instantly made Sebastian feel much more secure about his masculinity. He was pretty, there was no doubt about that. The question was why was he with Amy? A new slave? One who looked useless for the labours Hadley could accomplish? What was he, a prostitute? He looked as though he could certainly fulfil such a role.

But his thoughts shouldn't wander there for now.

Sebastian padded next to Wayne, ignoring the urge to leap away from the horse. One hand was placed on his hip, the other relaxed on his side, close to his where his dagger was sheathed. He made a show of looking both of the pair up and down before he spoke coolly.

"Something you want, Amy? Hoping to auction off your new slave?" The Italian looked the unfamiliar white wolf up and down with pity before his eyes returned to Amy.

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