Momma, Momma I'm comin' home!
The back boy picked up her sent clear, it was stronger and stronger each second, then with his right eye he seen her, her white coat, the child whimpered in happiness as he ran towards her, MOMMA!! I've missed you!!! Feeling her warm breath on his face the young male gave a slight giggle as he started to lick at her maw before tossing him-self over onto his side. Oh how he was so happy to see his mother, he waited for her to come home ever day, but every time he found a nice spot to lay down and watch for her, blasted, he would fall asleep and wake up and have to do to the house.

"Momma....who's Nella?"

He licked at his own lips bring in her sent into his mouth, oh my how he missed her. Taking a paw putting it upon her chest the dark grey child looked at up her, So sweet was his actions, so kind was his words and so caring. Looking deep into his mother's eyes, he yipped. "Oh Momma...I missed you!"

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