Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder
Fayne had lulled herself into a meditative state. Her mind was completely blank, she only heard the many sounds of the night. Leaves rustling as the wind whispered through them, making it's own very unique sound. All the creatures of the land were audible, the subtle sound of a rabbit digging a den nearby, the marmosets chattering with one another in the trees all around her, busy warning each other of her presence. Not only could she hear here surroundings, she could smell them even better. Her nose was overwhelmed with the scents of the meadow. The many plants and animals that called this place home all made their own aromas, each unique to itself. She'd been traveling for so long, she'd forgotten that this world wasn't always so cruel. It could be soothing and wondrous. She hadn't given herself a chance to relax since she'd been accepted into her new family, now was the first time in days she'd let herself take a breather. It was so nice, she was so glad she was here at this moment. So glad she had a family to go back to and that nobody could hurt her now. A long sigh escaped her lips, her whole body relaxed. In all of this she hadn't noticed the Alpha male coming towards her and was rather surprised when she heard a loud sniff as he took in her scent.

"Oh!" He had startled her, her entire back stiffened in alert her tail bushed itself out unintentionally. Without thinking she spun around to meet bright green eyes with her own blue-green ones. He was in Optime form and hovered over her, she was quite small in her Lupus form compared to his six foot seven frame. Upon eye contact she immediately diverted her attention elsewhere, it was rude to look straight in the eye of the Alpha. Without thought she sunk low to the ground, her ears flattened themselves against her head and her tail curled itself up against her body. This was the proper submissive stance to be taken in the presence of an Alpha. A quiet whimper freed itself from her jaws as well as a sort of apology for her lack of attention at first glance. He had never met the Alpha male face to face before and it was quite nerve racking to her. She had met his mate, Titania, who had been there to accept her among their ranks. She probably should have introduced herself to him sooner, but she let other things get the best of her. She thought it kind of embarrassing that she didn't even know the male Alpha's name, what a bad start. She should have taken the initiative to speak to her family ahead of time, though she felt overwhelmed by this whole situation. Happiness was her primary emotion but she couldn't help but feel saddened by the fact that her real family was elsewhere. Dead for all she knew and she worried about them every day, at all hours of the day. It was rather stressful thinking about them when she was trying to survive, but now it was just a thought that seemed to float in the back of her mind daring to dampen her mood.

"Hi, I don't think we've met before. I'm Fayne, I was accepted into New Dawn just a few days ago." Her voice was soft and kind, just like it always was. Though, she was shy and it was clearly audible. She gave a weak smile feeling quite intimidated by his presence. He stood tall just as an Alpha should, though larger because he was in his Optime form. He was hunched over on all fours like one would be in Lupus form, but he was still huge. Fayne just kept her stance as is until he chose to speak to her, her eyes stayed at his feet.

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