Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder
A sense of relief washed over the dainty silver wolf as the Alpha removed his giant nose from it's place above her. She relaxed a slight bit, still staying in the low submissive position that was expected of subordinates in a pack such as this one. Following her introduction he threw a warm smile in her direction which she glanced up to catch, it was much appreciated as it meant to her that she was welcome. A brighter smile, wider smile crept onto her face as she sat there beneath him. The enormous black wolf didn't respond to her words immediately, instead delivering his attention to a small vermin nearby. Fayne's own eyes instinctively followed the bustling noises of the rabbit as well, her nose wriggling in front of her as she took in it's sent. She narrowed her eyes and glared in the direction of the rabbit, could that son of a bitch be the rabbit that had escaped her earlier? How dare it come back to this spot, does it want to die and become a meal for a wolf? She huffed in discontent for the rabbit's actions, not even knowing for sure if it was the same one. Her attention was diverted back to the Alpha when he spoke, his voice was kind and welcoming, though slightly high in pitch. Fayne nodded to him when he finally returned her introduction. It seemed his name was Zalen, it sounded quite familiar. She's probably picked it up from on of the many conversations she'd over heard when she lay in the den surrounded by family.

The black mass rested himself on the floor of the meadow, laying down on his front side laying his head on one of his muscular appendages. She watched him as he made this awkward shift, one of his large green eyes caught hers and she immediately looked away. He seemed to be relaxed, but she didn't follow his example staying in the same submissive position. It was only proper that she did so unless he directed her otherwise. He spoke to her again, his voice was strong and soothing. The bright smile from before held it's ground on her face, she was happy to have finally met the Alpha male of her pack. He was kind, which was a very good thing. The black wolf gave a brisk laugh, and she nodded giving a small laugh of her own. It really was a great place to sleep, it was so soothing she hadn't even meant to fall asleep here. But, she had exhausted all her energy in one chase. Her smile faded as he finished his question. She shook her head solemnly in response. Her dreams had not at all been pleasant, the complete opposite really. She responded, staring off into the meadow, her mind seemed to be elsewhere when she spoke giving a small half-ass laugh before she did so. "You would expect one to have pleasant dreams when dozing off in a place like this right?" She forced a fake smile onto her face. "But no, they weren't good dreams. Nightmares really. But, just nightmares." She turned to throw another smile at Zalen.

Her dreams were of her family and how she had lost a lot of them to power hungry Luperci. They weren't really just nightmares, they were memories, replaying in her mind maliciously ravaging her emotions while she slept. She was glad the Luperci that lived here, were generally kind. The ones she'd met so far had been at least. She still was way too frightened to venture too far from forest, she knew that many Luperci had taken human lifestyles and this scared her. She turned to Zalen and gave a small smile, then stared off into the sky. The stars shone brightly above them now as the sun had set before she woke up. Stars were comfort to her. It was told that when a wolf died they became a star, at least in her family. It comforted her thinking that all those she'd lost were above her right now looking down and watching her. But then again, maybe they were sad. She'd found a new family and left her real family behind, could they be spiteful of her? She shook her head attempting to rid herself of the unwelcoming thoughts, then looked to the trees instead. What was in the past, what unchangeable. There was no use worrying about something you have no control over.

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