Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder
Fayne kept her blue-green orbs focused on the trees that surrounded this wonderfully peaceful meadow. She could only see the first layer of trees, aside from the twinkle of something reflecting the moonlight every now and then, beyond the first layer all that was visible was darkness. Though, under the moonlight in the meadow where the two New Dawn members sat it was quite bright. She could see the whole expanse of land clearly, the light from the moon created a sense of daylight in a wide open places like this one. As Zalen started to speak, Fayne leaned into his voice, the ear closest to the Alpha swiveled in his direction as to listen up. The small movement of her head created a rather bright reflection of the moonlight, her fur sparkled under the moon. As the male Alpha spoke, that tinge of sadness that shone on her face slowly dissipated with each word. All that he said was true. If one could peer into Fayne's dreams as she slept, they would know things about her that most would never hear of. She rarely opened up to someone as to share the phantoms of her past. The silver wolf nodded at the finish of each sentence, when he paused she glanced at him as he wiggled his arm. With his next sentence she turned her head slightly and eyed his human-like arms with her peripherals interested on what he was saying. Her dark bushy tail twitched with intent for what he would say next.

Fayne's eyes brightened as he finished and she rolled her head back to look up at the stars once more thinking deeply about what the Alpha had just shared with her. Though she wished she could go back and be stronger, she couldn't. The only thing she could do now was learn and prosper from her new family and hope that the next time it came down to protecting the ones she loved, that she would be able to. As for the Luperci, she was learning to accept them, she was learning to accept herself. Not all of them were monsters. The power that came with the virus was unimportant to most, including her and she needed to realize this fact. Though a lot of them were learning to live like humans, they were still wolves and always would be. In reality, they were no different than their ancestors, other than appearance. Fayne glanced at Zalen, he was Luperci and he thrived just as wolves always had. In this closely knit pack respecting the traditions and rules that wolves have always lived by. A smile made it's way onto her face once more, Zalen's words had lifted her spirits a considerable amount. She had a new life now and need not worry about the nightmares that plagued her for they were only memories. They could not hurt her now. The black male shifted next to her taking an Indian-style position, once again he towered over the petite female. Her stance still low to the ground, her ears were a bit more relaxed than before but still pushed backwards and her tail still tucked close to her body.

"Thank you Zalen. You're words are true. Nightmares are nearly reminders to better ourselves. Hopefully being a part of this family I can do just that." She turned to look at him just as he plucked the flower from the earth. Like magic it opened in his hands. Other flowers of the same kind opened up all around them releasing a pleasant aroma that smelled of citrus fruits. Her eyes darted from one blooming flower to the next, observing the chain reaction that was taking place. She closed her eyes and took a large whiff of the beautiful smell, it filled her sensitive nasal cavities. She could almost taste the delightful smell. A moment later she felt the touch of the male wolf as he placed the flower behind her ear. She stayed still as he did so. His touch was comforting and welcome. He had previously been incredibly intimidating to her, but her sense of nervousness subsided as they had conversed. He was a gentle heathen and Fayne enjoyed the company, but respected him all the while knowing that he was the leader. She smiled widely at him. "I'm very glad to be a part of this family. This world we live in has been changing so rapidly and it's nice to see that some things remain the same. New Dawn's traditions are comforting and familiar and I'm happy to be here. Grateful really."

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