out of control
She knew it was foolish to act so prim and proper with Helotes. He had always been able to see through her games and strike right to the heart of the matter. This time was no different. She cast her eyes downward when he graced her with the gentle kiss, her own nuzzle against his face was barely recognizable as she sighed softly. Trust Helotes to cut deep and true, ignoring her question and presenting her with one of his own.

She lifted those grey lilac orbs as she whispered softly. "I know who I am..." It was barely an answer, hardly an explanation but she wasn't even sure what to think of the truth yet. The male that was her father had tried to kill her when she was just a pup, some cruel mocking game, not unlike when Haku had pinned her in a rabbit's den and she'd barely escaped, the horrible creature having nipped the very tip of her tail fur off as her ribbons had unraveled.

The sigh that escaped her lips was bitter as she closed her eyes again, the scent of her cousin and lover so rich she couldn't help but reveal the twisted truth. "Samuel Lykoi is my father.." for the first time she had confirmation that she was a Lykoi in more than just name alone. The same blood that founded the clan flowed through her very veins... but instead of being proud she was afraid.

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