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I love Andre! xD <3

indentAll she could do was chuckle at the boy's threatening words. What was he thinking? Threatening her? She would put him in his place so fast it wouldn't even be funny. Actually, it would be amusing for him to finally learn his place within the pack. Not the spoiled little brat that was used to getting what he wanted all the time. That was no longer, and she would make sure of it. With Kaena gone she would be sure not to spoil him, if he wanted to act this way and be an ungrateful little bitch.

indentFaolin ignored the request and padded along beside him then finally passing him. "I'll do what I wish, and if you insist on being an ungrateful little brat you'll see just how mean I get." Faolin did not care what he thought, she was not the goody-good everyone made her out to be all the time. She was smarter than this little runt, more of a hybrid than she was. Laughing, she trotted on past him shaking her head. Faol knew what he thought of her brother, how high and mighty he was in the child's eyes. Hybrid had killed before, he hated too. But, Faolin had also killed, killed more than once and watched another be killed before her eyes. Her innocence had been taken away from her at an early age, and that was a hate she could hold onto forever.

indentShe stopped, red eyes drifting back to the youth. "Why do you have such a stick up your ass? You act like you are all high and mighty all the time. Kid, trust me, I can take you out whenever, wherever. I'll put you in your place, hun," she smirked, tail whipping back and forth over her back. He was only four months, not even half the size he would eventually become. Flicking her ears forward with no particular interest in the youth, she walked onwards and past him.


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