You granted me what I wanted
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Sorry, don't know why I was waiting for Bria to respond again XD and PP of her picking the pup up and walking back to the temple, since you said that PP was alright :3

The words that were spoken by the pup were confusing to her for a moment. Anthema members varied in their pelt colorations, but they didn't have many blonde canines. She could only think of one in particular, and when the girl's words about the wagon and coyote came to her ears the assumption was confirmed. But why would Amy do something like this? She'd thought that they'd had an agreement - no harming members of the pack, and Amy would bring trade to Anathema. Members of the pack were still very unsettled by Amy's appearance in their ranks and were unsure of her, but Naniko had reassured them that situations like this wouldn't be happening. As a pack member, the blonde dog would need to abide by the same laws as everyone else.

Lillith looked tired, and she reached down to try and pick the girl up before turning back to jog toward the temple. She'd get to the bottom of this odd behavior. She didn't think she would "bite her", as Lillith had said, but some words would definitely be spoken if this were true. There were other ways to interact with pups than using powder against them. "I'll do what I can, Lillith" She promised, as they approached the temple and began to search for the wagon and Sut. "Amy! Are you still around here?" She called, as her nose began to work on finding Amy's scent.

Table by Jenny!

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