A New Beginning


Word Count → 384

She had finally reached the master ranks. At one point in time she had been hailed as a genius in woodcarving, but it had all been taken away from her. For almost a year she had practiced and worked at her carving skills to improve them. Although she never dreamed that her recent works of art could be called masterpieces, she was at least elated at her upgrade in rank. Most of her pieces were successful, and she saw her new rank as a testimony to her hard work and dedication. Adrian had taken a lot from her, but he hadn't taken her art. The night of her promotion, she had cried from the sheer joy at realizing she could still do the things she loved.

Along with her new rank, she had gained new responsibilities. According to rumor, there was a new family that had recently joined Cercatori, and one of them was interesting in wood carving. Hotaru had made the decision to stop by and say hi, as well as verify the rumors. She didn't want an apprentice, but she wouldn't mind giving away a few tips or even a lesson. Life was a learning process, and even the Tessitore di Sogno enjoyed the occasional lesson from fellow woodcarvers. Terra's trick with the puzzle balls had been particularly interesting and Hotaru had spent days practicing and honing her puzzle making skills. There was a good sized pile of the successful puzzle balls in the corner of her room. There was an even larger pile of unsuccessful balls just outside of her room.

Hotaru discovered the scent of new members on the other side of Thornbury. Fawkes had followed her landed on the roof of the house. He shot a question down towards her in low speech and she just shook her head. "I don't think we will go hunting today. We still have some smoked meat to finished." With that, Hotaru slowly made her way to the door while she tapped her wooden staff along the ground. When she had reached the door her hand rose to knock on it. For a brief moment she paused, hesitant and unsure that her visit would be welcomed. Finally, her fist gently tapped against the door and she stood back to wait for a reply.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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