Welcome to Wonderland
Ichika? He didn't know that pack. Well, he didn't really know any of the packs, just that it was probably close by. Her name was beautiful, and suited her quite nicely. Again he had to remind himself that she had pups, and probably a mate, waiting for her in her pack. The glance back only confirmed that thought. There was a gap between them that couldn't be closed, no matter how much Tharin wanted it to. Well, he had done what he'd wanted to do. He'd helped her hunt, and now the pups wouldn't starve, and neither would their beautiful mother. He really had to stop thinking like that.

Kiara. It's a beautiful name. He managed to stop himself from saying that a beautiful name was well suited for a beautiful wolf, knowing that the thought was wrong. He was simply a little stir crazy from having spent so much time alone. It made him a lot more boisterous than he should have been. I can walk back to your pack with you, you know. You probably want to return to your mate and pups. The words hung heavily in the air, and Tharin wished he could take them back, even if they were true. He wanted to spend more time with her, but the pups were more important.

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