face down
She spun through emotions uneasily, as though it was time to wear a different mask to sit on the face of stoicism. Her thoughts were both where she exceed and where she had a downfall, but in truth Corona didn't know what to think. She thought about what Gabriel had said before, about how Inferni was a land full of children and that aside from her now gone mother, he was the oldest one there. She was angry in a sense, that after all of those days and nights that her mother had told them she would never leave them and how she would never abandon Inferni, she had. The real reasons why were any one's guess. It made her angry in the sense that she did not know if she believed in the clan any more, or in herself. Or perhaps something had just snapped in her mind and she was dissolving into nothing. Like the thing she had done to the place once before. More than anything though, she wished Kerberos was there. He was the oldest child of all of them, he would have surely known what to do.

She sat at the far end of the drawbridge with her head in her hands, just trying to make sense of the things that ran loose in it. There was a never ending mixture to her emotions, sometimes anger, sometimes sadness. There was even guilt on her part—she had been after all, the eldest daughter. She had been the one who went home with Daddy instead of staying with Mommy. Yet at the same time, she did not think that guilt was the right feeling to have. It wasn't her fault, her leaving had not affected Kaena in the way that rejection came towards her. She feared it, but she had always had her mother's love. That had been made clear the very night that she had come through borders to get face to face and tell her that. And out of all of the things Corona had forgotten in the past, she remembered that night as distinctly as it had happened. But she was torn even more at the dichotomy of the world; being a hybrid, she could lay claim to wherever she pleased. While she knew Gabriel could handle Inferni, she felt horribly inclined to go to him.

Masked in both coldness and the fog that rolled off of the sea, she sighed.

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