Welcome to Wonderland

Word Count :: 405


As an arctic wolf, she was built a little hardier than most canines. Because she was used to the harsh climate of the Canadian tundra her strength and stamina were somewhat higher than most wolves her size. She could run farther and go without food for a longer period of time. However, Kiara was uncertain of how far apart she would be able to space her meals when she had to feed three infant puppies. Could she afford to go two days without food? A week? Although it wasn't much, there was still a good leg that could feed Kiara for another day. She wouldn't have to go out hunting. But that would also mean her jaws would be tied up and the conversation between her new found hunting partner would be gone.

Ears twitched high on Tharin's head as he caught the white wolf's mumbled words. His question made Kiara's ears prick as well. "Two legger," a phrase only the uninfected would use. Kiara turned her sapphire eyes and stared into Tharin's warm, amber orbs. "No, I'm not. I was born high in the arctic, there were no luperci there. Your not...are you?" The white wolf's eyes sparkled, suddenly a whole new door had opened up for her. If he could just stay uninfected, Kiara could seek him out when the puppies had grown. She would never let a stranger near her children. Heck, she wouldn't even let her friends near them. But, perhaps when they were older...

Kiara quickly shook her thread to clear the thoughts from her mind. The young mother needed to focus on the task at hand. Tharin had offered to help drag the corpse closer, but it wouldn't matter much if the scavengers ate the rest of the meat. Kiara approached it, observing the remains. "This leg is really the only thing left. If we could just get it back to my den then the next few days will become that much easier." For several moments, she debated whether or not to take Tharin up on his offer. Finally, she decided and began to work on separating the leg. After several hard yanks she managed to separate the limb and staggered backwards as it went flying up. A foolish smile crossed her filled jaws and her tail wagged high in the air. Kiara turned and jovially let out her wolfish bark, almost like she was showing her prize off.

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